Product Reviews

My Mentor Said… “Take Action, Revise Later”

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance

You know the most difficult part of getting started
online or continuing your success starts with

We find that our daily lives can EASILY interfere
with our progress along with the distractions.

I don’t know about you but when I am sitting at my
computer with a list of jobs I need to do my brain
seems to find all sorts of other things to do.

It says to me “Lets have a cup of coffee before we start”
or “Better just check your emails in case a fantastic
new offer has been sent.” or “Have you decided what to
watch on tv tonight?” It seems to be hell bent on
trying to scupper all my efforts.

The biggest question I get asked is “what do I do?”
to which I reply and believe is the truth. If you’ve
been into IM for any amount of time “You already
know enough information to be successful” The key

So here’a a list I found of simple things you
should do to set up your system for TAKING ACTION
and staying on track.

This list is NOT in any order, just a quick list
to help you take action.

1. Try to check emails at 2 or 3 EXACT times a day
and no other time. (This includes smartphones)

2. FOCUS on just ONE item at a time. It’s very common
to get sidetracked because we spread ourselves thin.

3. SET TIME for your projects. Put yourself on a schedule
in which you dedicate that EXACT time for whatever project
you’re working on.

4. TAKE ACTION. You’ll NEVER get anywhere if all you
do is buy products or continue reading and learning. What
you need to do sometimes is just DIVE right in. That means
you may make mistakes, but that’s the BEST way to learn.

5. GET RID OF NEGATIVITY. Sometimes the reason for our
failure revolves around the energy or people around us. If
you find someone/something is slowing you down, then get
away from it.

This used to be a big issue for me and it wasn’t until I took
the advice of my mentor, who always used the phrase
‘Take Action, Revise Later’ that I actually started to
just “DO IT” that I saw huge gains in my business online and
which has allowed me to leave my old job and have the ability to
work for myself in my online business.

Hope this helps and of course if you have any comments or
your own ideas then please share this with us below

Kevin Lampard


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