Product Reviews

60 Ways To Use An Extra 60 Minutes This Week

Are you excited about your extra hour this weekend, but not sure what to do with the time? In case you don’t already have 10,000 things competing for your time,  my friend Bob (the teacher) Jenkins came up with this list of things you can do this week in under an hour. You’ll notice some of these are all about you, others are focused on improving your business, and a few that impact others around you. Pick one and go for it!

1.   Record a teleseminar
2.   Mindmap the next 30 days of strategy for your business
3.   Play with your dog at the dog park
4.   Do a Fall cleanup of leaves in your yard
5.   Declutter your office
6.   Change the batteries in smoke detectors, remotes, and clocks
7.   Follow up with 4 prospects
8.   Post unused stuff on Craigslist
9.   Get a massage
10. Clean out your closet
11. Take clothes donation to Goodwill
12. Try a new recipe
13. Create promotional social media posts for your affiliates
14. Treat yourself to an hour of exercise
15. Give a complimentary consultation to a prospective client
16. Share your wisdom in a new blog post
17. Send out your holiday cards ahead of time
18. Set up a WordPress blog
19. Enjoy a podcast about your favorite hobby
20. Play miniature golf
21. Call a few friends you haven’t connected with in a while
22. Call your mother and/or father
23. Volunteer at a local food bank
24. Write a couple of chapters of your new book
25. Sleep in
26. Throw out expired food from your fridge and pantry
27. Enjoy a long, hot bath
28. Revise your autoresponder follow up series
29. Say yes to something you wouldn’t normally say yes to
30. Read up on the local and state candidates for the election
31. Watch 3 TED Talks
32. Learn something new at Udemy
33. Get a haircut
34. Make green smoothies for the next couple of days
35. Challenge your kids to their favorite board game
36. Play with new gadgets at an electronics store
37. Create and upload a video to YouTube
38. Write recommendations for 5 of your connections on LinkedIn
39. Attend a Meetup
40. Join and contribute to a few groups on Facebook or LinkedIn
41.Host a book club
42. Clean up the sidebar on your blog
43. Create a special offer page for your customers
44. Organize your kitchen cabinets
45. Watch a documentary
46. Peruse the shelves at a local book store
47. Send thank you cards to your best customers and affiliates
48. Host a Google Hangout
49. Have a bonfire and toast marshmallows
50. Make homemade apple sauce
51. Cook up a batch of chili
52. Send a survey to your past clients
53. Organize that scary corner of the garage
54. Audit your domains for renewals and expirations
55. Host a wine (or cider) tasting
56. Book your winter vacation
57. Clean out your gutters
58. Listen or watch that teleseminar/webinar you’d “get around to”
59. Go for a hike in the woods
60. Write a blog post about 60 ways to use 60 minutes 🙂

Remember, there’s only 1 extra hour, and you can only use it once. So don’t let it slip through your fingers by deliberating or waffling with your choice! Enjoy the time intentionally, and let us know how it goes.





Kevin Lampard

p.s. No doubt we missed some other cool ideas! Share your tip or which of the above you’ll be doing below.

p.p.s. Bookmark this list and come back to it any time you find yourself with an extra hour and you want a little inspiration!

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